Saturday, November 25, 2017

End of the year wrapup

Or close to the end of the year.

What did I accomplish? I did write Book 7 and am thinking about Book 8, which I want to write next year.

I wrote another mystery, but this one isn't a Remembered Classics. I think I have a new trilogy going with angels and demons and redemptions and ... I wrote the first one ("Save Her" [Saver]) and am thinking about 2 more.

And I'm working on a Remembered Classic based on Snow White and the Seven Jocks, er, Dwarfs. I hope to write that one in 6 weeks.

Fingers, don't fail me now.

I also set up a Business Book -- things to do now and in the future to keep the business side of this on track.

Somewhere along the way I also helped the hubby through emergency surgery, took 3 or 4 long trips, survived a couple of health crises of my own, and worked full-time at the Day Job.

Not a bad year. That's a lot of Writing In Between. I'm hoping 2018 will stabilize in terms of health so there're no more trips to the emergency room for me or the spouse and no more half-nights of sleep. Imagine what I could do if I was healthy!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

I really have no excuse

yeah, I've been busy. I was out of town for a week, helping a friend recover from surgery and it was hard to get any writing done (although I did get some dictation done during my drive to and from her place)

And yeah, I'm working. Same old deadlines at the Day Job, some of which are challenging.

And I am on track to meet my deadline. I have about 6 chapters to go and a month to do it.  I really didn't start this book until February, so 5 months for 120,000 words isn't bad.

So why do I always feel like I'm lagging behind?  I think it's because this book has been tough to write because it's the Political book, the one where we start to think about a new government, and my brain hurts from thinking about it.

You'll hear a big sigh of relief on July 1 when I finish.

She said hopefully....

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Deep breath and continue

The swearing (in) is over, the March is done (and the hats I crocheted marched for me -- yay!)

And I have gone back into the previous 6 books of my series and layered in a corrupt government, an impeachment, an assassination, and a coup. That made me feel a lot better.

The good thing about the whole Government Mess is that I'm using it my book. I'm looking at what works and what doesn't (a lot of so-called checks & balances turned out to hinge on the integrity of the people involved, and there's not a lot of that being shown). I'm seeing who forms what groups, who steps up to resist, and so on.

So -- it's awful but it's useful. Or as Mom used to say, "UBU: ugly but useful"

Keep calm and take notes. That's my new mantra.